IDE Autocomplete Feature
HugeIcons provides comprehensive TypeScript support across all our packages, offering an enhanced development experience with IDE autocompletion. This feature accelerates your development process by providing intelligent suggestions for icon names, props, and types.
TypeScript Integration
Our TypeScript integration provides several benefits:
- Type Safety: Full type checking for all icon components and props
- Intelligent Suggestions: Real-time icon and prop suggestions
- Error Prevention: Catch potential issues during development
- Documentation: Inline documentation for props and components
Package-Specific Types
Each style package includes its own TypeScript definitions. You'll need both the framework component and the icon package:
// Import the framework component
import { HugeiconsIcon } from '@hugeicons/react';
// Import icons from style packages
import { SearchIcon } from '@hugeicons-pro/core-stroke-rounded';
import { SearchIcon as SearchSolid } from '@hugeicons-pro/core-solid-rounded';
import { SearchIcon as SearchBulk } from '@hugeicons-pro/core-bulk-rounded';
Prop Type Checking
TypeScript provides automatic type checking for all icon props:
import { HugeiconsIcon } from '@hugeicons/react';
import { SearchIcon } from '@hugeicons-pro/core-stroke-rounded';
// TypeScript will enforce correct prop types
size={24} // number
color="currentColor" // string
strokeWidth={1.5} // number (only for stroke variants)
Autocomplete Features
1. Import Suggestions
As you type your import statements, your IDE will suggest available components and icons:
// Framework component suggestions
import { Huge... } from '@hugeicons/react';
// Suggests: HugeiconsIcon
// Icon suggestions
import { Sea... } from '@hugeicons-pro/core-stroke-rounded';
// Suggests: SearchIcon, SealIcon, SeaWavesIcon, etc.
2. Prop Suggestions
When using the HugeiconsIcon component, get suggestions for available props:
// Press Ctrl+Space to see available props:
// - icon (required)
// - altIcon
// - showAlt
// - size
// - color
// - strokeWidth
// - className
3. Value Type Hints
Get immediate feedback on prop value types:
icon={SearchIcon} // ✓ Correct: IconSvgObject
size={24} // ✓ Correct: number
size="24" // ✗ Error: string not assignable to number
color="#000" // ✓ Correct: string
strokeWidth={1.5} // ✓ Correct: number
Style-Specific Autocompletion
Different icon styles may have different available props:
import { HugeiconsIcon } from '@hugeicons/react';
// Stroke style icons include strokeWidth
import { SearchIcon } from '@hugeicons-pro/core-stroke-rounded';
<HugeiconsIcon icon={SearchIcon} strokeWidth={2} />
// Solid style icons don't have strokeWidth
import { SearchIcon as SearchSolid } from '@hugeicons-pro/core-solid-rounded';
<HugeiconsIcon icon={SearchSolid} /> // strokeWidth prop not recommended
// Special styles may have style-specific props
import { SearchIcon as SearchDuotone } from '@hugeicons-pro/core-duotone-rounded';
<HugeiconsIcon icon={SearchDuotone} />
Framework Integration
Our TypeScript support extends to all supported frameworks, each with their own component package:
// React
import { HugeiconsIcon } from '@hugeicons/react';
import { SearchIcon } from '@hugeicons-pro/core-stroke-rounded';
// Vue
import { HugeiconsIcon } from '@hugeicons/vue';
import { SearchIcon } from '@hugeicons-pro/core-stroke-rounded';
// Angular
import { HugeiconsIcon } from '@hugeicons/angular';
import { SearchIcon } from '@hugeicons-pro/core-stroke-rounded';
// Svelte
import { HugeiconsIcon } from '@hugeicons/svelte';
import { SearchIcon } from '@hugeicons-pro/core-stroke-rounded';
// React Native
import { HugeiconsIcon } from '@hugeicons/react-native';
import { SearchIcon } from '@hugeicons-pro/core-stroke-rounded';
IDE Support
HugeIcons' TypeScript integration works with all major IDEs:
- Visual Studio Code
- WebStorm
- Atom
- Sublime Text (with TypeScript plugin)
- Vim/Neovim (with TypeScript plugin)
Best Practices
- Use TypeScript: Enable TypeScript in your project for the best development experience
- Enable Editor Support: Ensure your IDE's TypeScript and JavaScript language features are enabled
- Keep Updated: Use the latest versions of our packages for the most accurate type definitions
- Import Types: If needed, you can import types directly from our packages:
import type { IconProps } from '@hugeicons/react';